понедельник, 29 января 2018 г.

Final Topic

All people love animals, but people do not like inequality in life and earthquake. In 2010, there were many earthquakes, together with these earthquakes there were hurricanes, strong winds and fires. Many people die for this and it's sad. Greg Martasson is a very good person that he built schools for Pakistan. And he works as a climber. People are good but bad, people donate money to clowns and they are good. Animals are very fond of animals, they help them survive and feed. People like to skate and they get different wounds and it's bad. Fish live in five oceans, the oceans have coral reefs and many species of fish. The world has an animal day. On this day people play with animals and they give food to animals. There are cats. There are many kinds of cats for example TIGER. I love animals and you love the planet earth.

воскресенье, 21 января 2018 г.


  Q:Did you make donations?
   A: I don't donation , but on following year me donate.
2) (Nik Z.)
   Q:On what day people donate money?
   A: People donate money and food on 4 Octomber.
    Q:Does animal day startein in 1931?
    A:Yes, this day started in 1931.
    Q:Zoo most famous wasn't he?
    A:I don't know , because in each zoo in America have this day.

суббота, 16 декабря 2017 г.


1)Who was Cristoforo Columbus?
2)What did Ivan Krusenstern do?
3)Who painted the picture Mono Lisa?
4)Why stole the picture of Mono Lisa?
5)Who can make a Rubik cube in 7 seconds?

понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г.

final topic

World have many people and they have many talents . For example Leonardo Da Vinci painted picture "Mono Liza" . For example Chris Dzoan do a rubiks cube in 7 second . Chris Dzoan from North America. Christophor Columbus explored North America and South America.  Christophor Columbus was navigaor  and he have three big sheeps they names : Nina , Pinta ans Santa Maria. In Atlantic ocean swam mermaids . They have tail of fish and upper body of beatiful womens . In Atlantic ocean swam Ivan Kruzenshtern a Nikolay Rezanav they navigators . England have people Pilgrims they discovered of the worl and they want to live in America. Frida Khalo was painter and doctor ,she lived in Mexico . The end.

понедельник, 20 ноября 2017 г.


Жил да был Мистер Энглиш он был искателем приключений . Когда он родился был очень глупым и он решил в детстве стать искателем приключений чтобы стать самым умным человеком на планете. Он искал самоцветы которые придавали ему ум , они назывались : Pr.S , P.S, Pr.C, Pr.P F.S, Uncount.,Count., Comp., Superl. Он их искал в течении 11 лет и всё таки он их всех нашёл благодаря своему сердцу и терпению и стал самым умным человеком в мире! 

понедельник, 30 октября 2017 г.

Final topic 2 module

Every day we eat . But what do we eat ? Products of course. There are types of products such as : fruits , vegetables , fish, meat , dairy products and beverages , baked goods and candies , frozen food. .There are healthy food : broccoli and onion, potato and lemon .There are festivals devoted to food such as Lemon Art : French style . In supermarkets there are sections of food . In coffee, we can do a lot of baking taken from traditsionnoi cuisine of any country.Jamie Oliver ezdiet in America and wants Americans were fat , he wants to eat right and healthy! There are useful and not useful products , mostly healthy foods is fast food for example: Cola and mayonnaise.Tradicionalne dish in Russia is pelmeni are very tasty. 
We all need to eat useful and correct!